Monday, December 01, 2008

Hit target!!!

I am pleased to say my charity card box sales exceeded my target of £50!!! Nearly £70 will be going to the St Georges Foundation!,makes all that time spent on maing cards seem worthwhile!!!!!
Below are a couple more cards I did at the weekend for my Christmas cards for Family & Friends!!!!


nessy said...

congratulations on hitting your target (and more) ~well done you!
vanessa xx

JACKIE said...

Well done chick in reaching and exceeding your target, your card are worth every penny you have made for the charity...hugs...Jackie xx

nessy said...

hi again nessie ~ just wondered if i could have your address to send you a xmas card (on my blog in my profile is an e~mail address where you can sent it ) ~thats if you would likea card from me!!! :~)
vanessa xx

nessy said...

have a very happy christmas
xmas hugs
vanessa xx